1219 Geneva, Schweiz
Ictsd Firmen Informationen
Allgemeine Informationen
Founded in 1996, the International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development (ICTSD) is an independent non-profit organisation based in Geneva, Switzerland. The goal of the organisation is to advance sustainable development through trade-related policymaking.
Trade-related policy frameworks can serve as powerful drivers of sustainable development in global policymaking and global inclusion if those engaged in negotiations incorporate emerging knowledge on economic, environmental, and social issues. In doing so, they are empowered to better understand their own interests, build bridges to others, and advance mutually acceptable solutions.
ICTSD’s vision is a sustainable world, supported by national, regional, and international trade policy and frameworks that support inter-generational equity.
Chemin de Balexert 7 Geneva
- Öffnungszeiten
- Telefonnummer
- +41229178492
- Weblinks
- Soziale Medien
- Schlüsselwörter
- labor, mission, verband, verein oder organisation
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