Loris Lunettes GmbH

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Quellenstrasse 37
8005 Zürich, Schweiz
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Loris Lunettes GmbH Firmen Informationen

Allgemeine Informationen

Growing up in the vast outdoors – between Switzerland’s cities of hidden gems and mirrored lakes and up onto the white mountain tops – creates a never ending sense of adventure and drive. Throw in the love of old-timer motorcycles and the passion to customise and create using only our hands, and LORiS is born.
The traditional production of acetate sunglasses is art and craftsmanship, combining design and functionality – just like the customisation of our beloved old-timers. We believe in authenticity and that’s why LORiS is a reflection of who we are and what we do. We like to share that vision of our world inspired by nature, art, music, photography, vintage machines and adventures. It is now time to share and encourage the world to live fully, see clearly, and enjoy the life of urban adventure.

Quellenstrasse 37 Zürich

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