Cedric Berger Kinésiologue
1205 Genève, Schweiz
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Cedric Berger Kinésiologue Unternehmen Bio
Allgemeine Informationen
Come and discover my kinesiology practice located in Genèe. Thanks to the muscle test, we will seek out and release the blockages hindering the free circulation of energy in your body. By examining your problem in its physical entirety, mental and emotional, we will try to restore your balance in order to that your body regains its energy and well-being. Brief therapy: I accompany you until you become independent in managing your difficulties.
10, Rue Micheli-du-Crest Genève
- Öffnungszeiten
Montag:8:30 - 19:30Dienstag:8:30 - 19:30Mittwoch:8:30 - 19:30Donnerstag:8:30 - 19:30Freitag:8:30 - 19:30
- Telefonnummern
- Webseiten
- Gründungsjahr
- 2023
- Aktivitätsformular
- Rechtsform
- Privat
- Kategorien
- heilpraktiker kinesiologe arzt für ganzheitliche medizin
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